Month: November 2016

  • A Prayer for the Thirteen

    A prayer for the Thirteen To all the gods and none. To all those who may give solace to those who died, we pray now. May any who may be listening, hear these prayers. The Elements We give thanks to those who gave us the elements. Those who fell in the Sphere of Five were held fast, to the ever turbulent call of nature. A Prayer to Mumbai To the city of earth, the churning […]

  • Three Trees Recruitment

    It was a shack. Set in the middle of the woods, a full two leagues away from anything and anybody. A tiny ramshackle little hut, with a sign post out. It said that it was with Three Trees Trading Company. A boast, for something so small. But this wasn’t one of their myriad shops that dotted the landscape. Even for such a remote location it was less travelled than one would think, with no goods to […]