Month: March 2018

  • Finding Gratitude, Part 24

    It dove. Lightning didn’t work, so it was down to bulk. It swooped low, its wings tucked in, legs ready to strike. I rolled out of the way, way too easily. It was testing us, trying to see if we had real strength. When it knew we didn’t, it would attack. I needed that to happen. “Alley!” I shouted. Lady Violet and I ran for the nearest little side-way, barely large enough for Violet and […]

  • Finding Gratitude, Part 23

    The wyvern was there. And it knew we were, too. Legends about dragons are just that, legends. Nobody seems to have actually seen one. Or if they have, they’re not talking. So everyone has their own opinion about what a dragon looks like. Scaled monstrosities, little lizards, or shape changers that can do anything. A total mystery, with only one consensus. A raging dragon is big. If this wyvern was a little cousin, I would […]

  • Finding Gratitude, Part 22

    The Green Witch             There is something that has to be understood about superhero approaches. The entrance is completely understood. It has to be fantastically unexpected. The hero bursts into the scene from somewhere no one could possibly have come from. There is a witty retort, the villain has to hiss in the knowledge that defeat is inevitable, and the battle commences. That part is easy. But this approach always makes studying to be a […]

  • Finding Gratitude, Part 21

    Sela looked at Lana, and considered letting her die. It made sense. Lana had her uses, but was ultimately replaceable. And just proving to Gianna how little she cared, that could be well worth it. But still…Lana was her friend. That was supposed to mean something. It was simple enough to slash her bonds with Sir Violet. In seconds she was free. A dash, and the blade was pressed against the mayor’s throat. The guards […]

  • Finding Gratitude, Part 20

    “Gratitude is corrupt. I know it, you know it. The fish in the harbor know it. We are filled with scum, radioactive beasts, and lawyers. It is a wonder some passing God hasn’t taken pity on the planet and just obliterated this city down to dust. “But with that corruption, there comes great profit.” The mayor looked to one of the tapestries. A map of Gratitude and the surrounding areas, it weaved in new roads […]

  • Finding Gratitude, Part 19

    Lady Violet Sela woke up strapped to a chair. Her eyes flickered open. The leather around her wrists and ankles was tight, barely allowing blood to flow. Any attempt to escape them was going to require losing the use of an arm for a long time. Too long if she wanted to escape. Instead, she inspected herself. Down to her underclothes, smart. Easier to bind her up without all the folds of her loose clothing, […]