“I want to be Batgirl!” “No!” I was adamant on this point. I had been adamant about it when Lana had found the book squirrelled against one side of the pack. Still adamant for the next few weeks, right up till yesterday when we reached Leftarch. Lana was not going to be named Batgirl. Lana pouted, and almost stuck her tongue out. “Not fair. I even look like it.” To be fair, she did. The […]
So, yeah, I’m pretty much dying today. It’s not dying, exactly. It’s more of a temporary loss of time. How temporary? That was the one thing I didn’t know about this particular future. And damn all the gods and goddesses for it, either above, below or beyond. There are many things I don’t know. Being a prophet wasn’t some faucet that I could turn on and all the secrets of the universe just spilled forth. […]
“My name is Bin Tract, and I’m going to be the greatest mage this world has ever seen. “Greater than those before the Folly. Greater than those suckers at the Academies dotted across the landscape. Heck, maybe even greater than Camriddeon himself! Everyone will know who I am for miles around. Entire nations will come just to see me work my magic. “So just let me in!” The current mage nodded his head. And nodded […]
It is with great consternation and regret that I commit myself to the page, and the tragedy that is my life. Please do understand that I hold the written word is high esteem. When I am not forced into gallivanting across Neverthere, I can be found at my job at Alexandrian Library. I am a library clerk, cataloguing stories that shall never be written, in a library that in the realest sense no longer exists. […]
Viola awoke well before the first bells. She could barely restrain her excitement. Today was the day. She couldn’t help herself. The young woman leapt out of her bed, and gave a small cheer. Today was the day! Viola danced in her nightgown, pirouetted across the silk rugs, and was reclined in the chair before her maid burst through the door. “Countess! I heard a noise and…” The maid stopped, and turned away. It was […]
What does it feel like? “What?” The puny girl was talking again. Arlyle had to crane her neck up to look at the small girl-thing. This was the height of indignity for the death goddess. Being only three and a half feet tall simply would not do. However, it did not seem like that would change any time soon. Since being released from her clay prison, Arlyle was stuck tiny. She was barely dark, dressed […]