Category: Ogre Mage

  • Dueling Studies

    “And as we can see in this latest uprising of humans, they actually seemed to strike farther into Germania than before. Can anyone respond as to why?” “Vampires?” “That’s right. The vampires, a terrorist sect of humans that utilized their species’ unique blood magic, allied themselves with the German humans against a tyrannical Fae presence.” Raemillin scoffed. Mr. Book understood the response. Raemilin was fae, an elf of high parentage. He had relatives that remembered […]

  • Ogre Mage

    “My name is Bin Tract, and I’m going to be the greatest mage this world has ever seen. “Greater than those before the Folly. Greater than those suckers at the Academies dotted across the landscape. Heck, maybe even greater than Camriddeon himself! Everyone will know who I am for miles around. Entire nations will come just to see me work my magic. “So just let me in!” The current mage nodded his head. And nodded […]