Author: admin

  • A Foppish Coup, Part 29

    Viola loved the common folk, in her particular way. She loved their straightforward nature. They wanted to kill her, and end a tyranny that they had been told was real. And when presented with the facts, or better yet her facts, they turned on the true villains. Bound those they once called master, led them through the forests, and dumped them upon Viola’s doorstep. Viola ensured that each member of the force was duly paid […]

  • A Foppish Coup, Part 28

    Sienna was released quickly. The bartender was already making excuses as he cut her bonds. He had been coerced, threatened even by the nobles. He was just another unwilling pawn. Sienna rubbed her wrists, grimacing. How little he knew about Viola’s world. No more would being a servant save the weak. The countess expected all to become strong in their own right. Weakness and subordination would not be a defense. She walked out of the […]

  • A Foppish Coup, Part 27

    Viola stepped forward, and bowed her head. “May I apologize?” She asked. “On behalf of my family, and this situation…life. It has not always been kind, and you are my subjects. It is my duty to ensure your peace and tranquility. If any of you has suffered, then that is my failure as ruler. “I shall listen. I shall hear. And your voices will help change the destiny of the Valley.” “Get rid of the […]

  • A Foppish Coup, Part 26

    The crowd parted. Illyana Petrovich stood in the crowd, her finger pointed straight at Viola. “Pretty words, countess,” the words dripped from the mother’s mouth. “And pretty people to accuse your accusers. You have it all planned out. “Was that how it was, when you murdered my husband?” Viola stared back at Illyana. The crowd whispered, suddenly fearful again. This they knew for a fact. Everyone knew what had happened at the countess’ coronation. “Froze […]

  • A Foppish Coup, Part 25

    Yoric stood before the crowd, and pointed at her. “You, vile witch, are removed from power. You shall stand trial for your crimes, and hang for the evil you have perpetrated upon the Valley.” “Stand trial and then hang?” Viola said. “Why have the expense of the first, if the latter is already decided?” A villager screamed, and launched himself at the countess. Viola danced one way, and then another, avoiding the clumsy strikes with […]

  • A Foppish Coup, Part 24

    “Torches!” The nobles shouted. “Pitchforks!” All and more. The villagers were armed with anything they could get their hands on. It was time to overthrow the countess. And return the power to the people. Never mind that the nobles were in charge. Never mind that the people had never been in charge. Viola was alone, and unnatural. And a woman. She should never have taken power in the first place. All the while, the nobles […]