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A Foppish Coup, Part 12

Every eye in the room was fixated upon him. Someone who spoke, but almost apologized beforehand. And worse…a tax collector. Jakob cleared his throat, and tugged at his collar. He did not normally drink in public, especially at one of the rowdier establishments in Vladisburg. But when he had heard of a possible convocation to speak on Viola’s rule, he felt a duty to attend. If only he had known the tenor, he might have

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A Foppish Coup, Part 11

            Dear words, how often I feel thy sting.             To be poetic, thou art so beauteous. Your curved grace, the lift and fall that can raise the viewer to highest of heavens. I love your sight, your sound, your taste. To be in the presence of such words cannot help but fill mine ear, my soul with glory.             But words are not always so kind. In fact, your malice far outweighs your grace.

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A Foppish Coup, Part 10

Willow Sam turned around, and saw fire. A man stood there. His face was drawn, weathered. His silver hair was worn in fine curls that trailed across his face, thinning as he neared middle-age. He wore fine furs, lined with filigree. Even so, this was a man who knew how to wield the axe by his side, or the torch in his right hand, held aloft. And from the look in his eyes, he had

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A Foppish Coup, Part 9

Sienna rode home later that afternoon, alone. The Koskovs had been summoned back to the manse at Smyth’s request, shuffled along by her father’s own men. Sienna had been offered a space in the carriage, which she declined. There had still been discussions to be had with Nalus, which went nowhere, and quiet pleading with Viola, which went worse. She nodded to the guards. It had been somewhat funny to see guards trying to hide

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A Foppish Coup, Part 8

Viola scowled, and sat back down in the great chair. “So the fools have not been in court in a few weeks.” “Months,” Nalus corrected. “And it is difficult to attend court when you do not hold it.” “It has been a busy few months,” Viola said. “I was getting used to ruling.” “It is more than that, Viola.” Nalus said. “The nobles think you do not respect them.” “That is not true.” Viola said.

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A Foppish Coup, Part 7

Viola sighed, and slid down with grace from Willow Sam’s arms. She set Ivan down, and patted his head. “Nadia, you are raising such wonderful children.” Viola said to the descending Koskov. “Truly a testament to your work and love.” “My thanks countess.” Nadia said. she cradled her youngest tight, smiling. Sienna cleared her throat, and looked down from the balcony. “Perhaps the Koskovs could enjoy the gardens for a time, countess?” She asked. “Nalus

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