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Making Friends, Part 12

“Why are there traps?” Greta asked. The gnome danced forward, slipping past a burst of fire. “We are in a tomb that no one is supposed to know exist.” “And if no one can tell of its existence, then it remains a myth.” Rafe said. Greta spun on one heel, and ducked under a saw blade. “But the expense, Rafe! The spells, and the maintenance of such securities, that are supposed to last a century

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Making Friends, Part 11

There is a certain time when children cease to be cute, and instead become truly despicable wastes of resources, in Arlyle’s opinion. When they have lost the charm of innocence, and have instead become nothing more than pests, which shall not change with maturity, grace, or even the inevitable onslaught of death. While many would find this a harsh assessment, young teenage magic users can very much fit this description. These five children in particular,

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Making Friends, Part 10

The Witch snapped her fingers. Sparks flew towards her fireplace, starting a blaze. She set a tea kettle on the spit, getting it ready to boil. “As that waits,” she looked to the girls. “Can I interest either of you in a glass of water?” Bethany nodded, her mouth currently full with another cookie. The witch drew some water from her well at the pump in the corner, and gave it to the girl. “It

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Making Friends, Part 9

“Why did you join the Order?” Rafe pushed a branch out of his way, and stepped further down the ravine. Greta ducked under an outcropping of rock and hurried to keep up with him. “Look, you can keep trying to ignore me, but I am going to keep asking questions.” “And writing the answers in reports for your little spy training?” Rafe snorted. “No thanks.” “But we are supposed to be working together!” Greta said.

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Making Friends, Part 8

Badgers are actually notorious for their screams. In battle, as children, in parental moments that children are not supposed to know about. They are loud, and occasionally obnoxious in their exclamations. This was something that Theolonius Bricklebook personally strove to be personally above. He was a familiar, and intelligent, he had something that other members of his race did not have. He must persevere and better himself. But when a death goddess of vengeance has

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Making Friends, Part 7

Thelonius Bricklebook may have been a loquacious and brilliant badger for his species. Eloquent, loyal to a fault, and self-conscientious enough of his personal hygiene to keep it from becoming a nuisance. A perfect badger familiar, in his own opinion. However, he did not fully count on the necessities of working with an eight-year-old girl, or even the cutest little death goddess of vengeance. Case in point, trying to journey back to the Murky Meadows.

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